Offshore Initiative
Financial secrecy has become so detrimental to global governance that the system enabling it—offshore—must be dismantled. We created this system, and we can de-create it. In the meantime, following the advice of the late Robert Morgenthau, legendary New York County District Attorney, we can make a huge dent in this

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October 1, 2020
FPO – How I Came to Offshore
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I didn’t discover the world of offshore and kleptocracy myself. It was my sister, Darcy Tuttle, who first explained it to me. Her work got her interested in the details...
September 1, 2020
It’s Not Them, It’s Us
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The way to defeat crooks is not to join them but to fight them relentlessly, to fight without mercy or quarter. Those words, uttered by U.S. Congressman Wright Patman in...
September 1, 2020
The United States of Anonymity
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At this point, it should come as no surprise that the U.S. is arguably the largest offshore and financial secrecy haven in the world. Look at any of the traditional...
September 1, 2020
Whistleblowing, Vital to Combatting Offshore
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Whistleblowers are vital to revealing and combatting illegal offshoring activity, and to identifying the networks of “respectable” white collar enablers who make these crimes possible. What Martin Woods, who blew...